Code of Conduct

Growing in the Faith > Registration > Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

This event will uphold the same high standards of conduct and dress as the United Youth Camps, which are based on God’s law. These standards and rules include, but are not limited to: No possession or use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or illegal drugs; no sexual misconduct, theft, smoking, disorderly conduct, profanity, destruction of property or refusal to cooperate fully with the staff, offensive language or gestures. Jewelry for body piercings (other than earrings for girls), short shorts, midriffs, underwear or bra straps showing, halter-tops or wearing revealing or other inappropriate apparel (or lack thereof) will not be allowed. Hair should not be an unnatural color, and hair length should be appropriate (short for men, longer for women). Pets, fireworks, matches or lighters may not be brought to this event. Firearms or other weapons (including pocketknives) may not be brought without the written permission of the event director. Under certain circumstances I am aware that a search of my belongings or living quarters may be made in my presence by event staff. Young adults who do not comply with the rules and standards, or whose conduct or attitude undermines the positive environment and objectives of the camp, or have made any false, misleading or incomplete statement in the registration process are subject to being dismissed for a return trip home at their own expense.